Designed for the future metropolis by designer Andrea Filogonio, the Bemoove is an all-electric car, with a difference. Unlike other electric cars, the main cabin of this eco friendly vehicle is inflated with a very high-pressure air mixture and then made to rest on a base of carbon fiber that carries the transmission along with the electric drivetrain.
The transparent cabin, with enough room for four occupants, is linked to the main frame with three shock-absorbing dampers that are made using carbon fiber and polymer to reduce the overall weight of the car. Steering is provided with a large spherical rear wheel made using rubber and Kevlar. This large wheel is moved by electric motors in any direction. Torque is applied to the large rear wheel making the other two arms of the main frame free to swing and accommodate curves and uneven ground.
For traction, the car makes use of four rubber-Kevlar tape-shaped tires that rotate independently on their guides while sourcing electricity from onboard batteries.
All Images © Andrea Filogonio